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Melanie Hagan

Head of Operations at CCI South Africa (for TalkTalk Sales & Loyalty)

Melanie has over 20 years operational experience in the contact centre industry, both locally and internationally, across diverse BPO industries, products, channels and services.

In 2012, after gaining solid experience in the South African contact centre industry, with companies such as MWEB, Media24 and Merchants to name a few, Melanie relocated to China where she operated in a completely foreign language through interpreters.  She was Regional CEO for China South managing 500+ Sales staff across multi-site contact centres, selling online recruitment and HR products/services into the local Chinese market.  In 2015, she relocated to Papua New Guinea within the same group of companies and took up the role of Sales Director for Digicel, a leading telecommunications company in Asia Pacific.

In 2017 Melanie returned to South Africa and joined CCI in Umhlanga, Natal.  She currently operates in the BPO space managing the TalkTalk Sales & Loyalty campaigns. She is responsible for +- 1,000 employees.

Melanie won the CCMG Call Centre Manager of the Year Award in 2004, and the call centre she was managing won in 2005.  This is the first year Melanie is a judge for the prestigious CCMG National Awards, she is delighted to be nominated onto the panel.